Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 5

This week, Algebra 1 students will continue to analyze graphs and tables to determine rate of change.  We are currently setting the foundation for more formal concepts, such as slope and non-linear graphs.  We will wrap up the current unit this week and begin our unit on slope.

In Honors Math 8, we will wrap up our unit on real numbers with an assessment and begin our unit on the Pythagorean theorem.  Did you know that there are more than 350 ways to prove the Pythagorean Theorem?  President James Garfield well-known for his proof of the Pythagorean theorem.  The Pythagorean theorem is connected to our previous unit because the school of Pythagoras discovered that the square root of is irrational (it wasn't a nice, easy fraction/decimal) and this went against their belief "All is Number."  They swore to keep this discovery to themselves and legend is that they killed anyone who dared to share that irrational numbers exist (poor Hippasus of Metapontum).  You may learn more here.

Algebra 1:
Monday - Rate of change in motion problems from tables and graphs
Tuesday - Rate of change in motion problems from tables and graphs
Wednesday - Practice describing rates in motion problems using tables, graphs, and models
Thursday - Topic Assessment
Friday - Exploring rate of change in other situations

Honors Math 8:
Monday - Topic Assessment
Tuesday - Introduction to Pythagorean Theorem (tiling problem)
Wednesday - Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Thursday - Proving the Pythagorean Theorem
Friday - The converse of the Pythagorean Theorem

Reminders: Don't forget to review/preview your slides every night for extra credit.  Be sure to log on at  Also, the school-wide fundraiser is in full swing, so be sure to sell all your popcorn to support Ac2E Middle School.  Great job, Falcons!

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