Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week of March 24-28

This week we will be finishing up exponents in pre-algebra. In honors math, we will be continuing to explore linear relationships.

Last week, we went to Texas A&M Kingsville to tour the college. We had a great time!

Don't forget that this Thursday are the Gifted and Talented meetings for the district. Remind your parents to go at 5:30.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week of March 17-21

Happy St. Patrick's day!  If you would like to wish this to someone in Gaelic, you can say "Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh" (Happy St. Patrick's Day!).  If you would like to learn more about the Gaelic language, you can check it out at Wikipedia, here:

This week, we are going to look more at linear relationships in tables, graphs, and equations.  If you would like more information about linear equations, visit

Finally, in Pre-Algebra, we are going to wrap up our unit on Exponents.  We will learn how to write very large and very small numbers in scientific notation.  Keep up the good work Falcons - progress reports will come out next week!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week of March 3-7

Brr.....March does come in like a lion and out like a lamb, as the saying goes!  We are ready this week to dive into linear equations in math and properties of exponents in Pre-Algebra.  If you would like to practice more exponents, check out the following website:

Last Friday, we finally got to test out our projects at the Math Carnival!  Congratulations Sayda for having the most profitable game.  Sayda had nearly 100 tickets due to a very creative carnival game that involved Flappy Bird.  Thank you 6th graders for being our testers for our games.  Great job everybody!